Sponsorship Registration

A limited number of Sponsorship Packages are available for the 11 th Industrialists’ Conference in 2008: One exclusive Diamond, Two Platinum, Four Gold and Six Silver. The allocation of Exhibition space will be on first come first served basis in cooperation with GOIC’s partner in the organization of the Exhibition, iFP, please ensure that the attached  completed Sponsorship Application is received no later than 15 December 2007.

Diamond Sponsor
Silver Sponsor
Media Partner

The table below provides a summary of each package benefits/features: 

Additional information and periodical updates will be coming soon. For any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact GOIC Marketing team on ind-conference@goic.org.qa, or:

For General Information:

Gulf Organization for Industrial Consulting 

Attn.: 11 th Industrialists’ Conference  –   P.O. Box 5114,    Doha, QATAR

Tel: +(974) 485-8753
Fax: +(974) 483-6278




For Sponsorship & Exhibition:


Mr. Mohammad Khalil

   +(974) 485-8711


Ms. Kristina Csiki

   +(974) 485-8757


Ms. Marina Seoud

   +(974) 485-8705


For Attendance & Public Relation:


Mr. Abdullah Al-Mushaifri

+(974) 485-8780


For Technical & Organization:


Eng. Rafat Al-Suwaimel

+(974) 485-8733


Eng. Nelson Mathew

+(974) 485-8851






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