GCC Sub-contracting and Partnership Exchange (GSPX)

A road map to promote Small & Medium Enterprises in GCC

The GSPX is a GOIC initiative for industrial cooperation that was born in 2001. In 2003, GOIC signed an agreement with the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) to implement subcontracting and partnership exchange mechanisms for Small and Medium Enterprises by integrating initiatives presented by GCC countries. Bringing together all subcontracting and partnership exchange centres through a common platform made this undertaking possible.

The headquarters of the Regional GSPX Centre is located in Qatar; it covers six GCC countries and offers guidelines to be followed by all GCC centres.

What is GSPX?

• It is a centre that creates industrial links between procurers and suppliers in order to promote supply chains and build suppliers’ capacities.
• It supports the manufacturing industry in GCC countries to access new markets.
• It is the best solution for subcontracting, partnership and industrial fairs and delegations.
Industrial Subcontracting & Partnership

• Subcontracting is all about strong linkage between suppliers and procurers.
• Partnership is all about effective linkage between various stakeholders such as investors and various other institutes.


• Developing the capacities of local SMEs to meet procurers’ needs and identify the market, the profitable business or
   investment opportunities for companies operating in GCC countries.
• Creating a link between local GCC enterprises and supply chains of local or big international companies.
• Creating a high-quality and updated online database for GCC suppliers.

GSPX Portal

Explore the strength of GCC manufacturing industries

• The GSPX Portal is an online information delivery tool.
• It collects accurate and updated data on industrial subcontracting and commercial inquiries from specific sectors in the
• Through the GSPX Portal, users have access to the region's most comprehensive industrial database collected and 
  analyzed by experts.
• This database is a valuable source of information which is indispensable to carry out balanced links, participate in tenders
  and improve supply chain relationships.
• It is a virtual meeting point for procurers and suppliers.

Global SPX Network
Over the last 25 years, UNIDO has established Subcontracting and Partnership Exchanges (SPXs) with the objective of helping local enterprises to successfully meet the challenges of globalization and to take advantage of the emerging opportunities that evolve from industrial subcontracting, outsourcing and supply chain opportunities. There are nearly 90 SPX centres established across 44 countries. For further information, visit www.unido.org/spx

GCC Regional SPX Network

The GCC GSPX is a GOIC initiative for industrial cooperation that was born in 2001. The headquarters of the Regional GSPX Centre is located in Qatar; it covers six GCC countries and offers guidelines to be followed by all GCC centres.


Founded in 2009
 418 Members

Founded in 2012
200 members

Founded in 2012
276 members

To be launched soon
400 members

To be launched soon
528 members

Find suppliers and customers in record time

More than1500 suppliers from GCC countries are registered under the GSPX network
For more details, visit www.gspx.info


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