إدارة الإنتاج ومراقبة الجودة في المنشآت الصناعية الصغيرة والمتوسطة
  07 - 09 Nov 2017
Doha, قطر

Course Description

The main objective of this training program is to identify ways and means to improve the managerial skills in industrial SME for production management and quality control practices in order to increase profits an/of decrease/eliminate costs or losses. To achieve the training objectives, we will discuss the productivity elements and quality dimensions, as well as the several cost and waste reduction strategies. We will review quality control and quality improvement techniques with focus on its relations to productivity. The course will also introduce problem- solving tools and basic statistical concepts, process control and process capability plans, acceptance sampling, and attribute controls.

Course Topics

v  Objectives of Production Management

v  Objectives of Inventory Management

v  Forecasting Demand and Lead Time

v  Control of Lead Time

v  Material Requirements Planning (MRP)

v  Just-In-Time (J.T.I) Method

v  Quality Definitions and Quality Dimensions

v  TQM Approaches (Deming, Crosby, Juran, etc.)

v  Continuous Improvement – KAIZEN

v  Control Charts and Pareto Chart

v  Cause and Effect, How-How and Why-Why Diagrams

v  Poka – Yoke

v  Quality Audits

v  Production waste

v  Lean Thinking and 5 S Program

v  Key Performance Indicators for Industrial facilities.


who should Attend.

Production managers, engineers, quality control personnel, or those interested in production management and quality engineering profession such as;

i.   Lean Managers

ii. Production Supervisors

iii. Production Engineers

iv. Quality Managers


Familiar with industrial SME



Participation Fee is USD 1500.00 per participant
Participation Fee is USD 0.00 per participant for group of 2 participants
Participation Fee is USD 0.00 per participant for group of 3 participants or more
تعليمات خاصة

تفاصيل بيانات الجهة
اسم الشركة* :
الاتصال بالشخص المسوؤل* :
العنوان* :
ص.ب. :
المدينة* :
البلد* :  
الإيميل* :
الموقع الالكتروني :
جوال /هاتف* :
فاكس :
الجوال :
الرسوم مدفوعة عن طريق :
ملاحظات :
يرجى إدخال النص المعروض في الصورة : *  


معلومات المشارك
اللقب/الاسم الكامل* :
جنس :
الجنسية* :  
المسمى الوظيفي*  :
الإدارة :
تخصص :
الإيميل* :
جوال /هاتف* :
فاكس :
طلب خاص :
أكثر من مشارك  :