
Sponsors will benefit from numerous advantages, the most important of all being the matchmaking sessions that GOIC will organize for them during the Event.

The global recession hitting the economies of the world is inducing many companies into significant discounts in order to sell their products and services.

This can constitute an opportunity for buyers who can make realize sizable economies in their purchases, by finding and putting into competition suppliers from all over the world.

The matchmaking sessions  are organized to serve this purpose and represent a very unique and distinctive feature.

The Gulf Organization for Industrial Consulting has established an unprecedented supply and subcontracting network in more than 40 countries in the world. This network is constituted by more than 200 reputed industrial associations, and industrial export institutions.

GOIC’s teams of consultant will work closely with the Sponsors in order to fulfill their demands in terms of supply. All potential subcontractors and suppliers of required products and materials will be traced around the world through the supply network and detailed lists of suppliers sent to Sponsors to choose the companies they wish to meet during the exhibition.

Thus being a sponsor at the 12th Industrialists' Conference  provides with a unique feature: the guarantee to meet the proper suppliers & subcontractors, and make substantial gains in time and money, to the difference of sponsoring or visiting any other show in the world. Over 2000 meetings are to be set during the Event.

The organizers are offering a limited number of carefully packaged sponsorship packages:

Strategic Partner
Official Host
Diamond [Remaining: 6]
Platinum [Remaining: 5]
Gold [Remaining: 6]
Silver [Remaining: 8]

These packages constitute a standard basis from which more personalized packages can be designed in order to best suit the needs and requests of the sponsoring company.

Sponsoring is the best way to distinguish your company during this world event.

As packages are allocated on a first come first served basis, it is highly advisable to book as early as possible.

Please contact the organizers for more details:


Gulf Organization for Industrial Consulting P.O. Box 5114, Doha Qatar

Attn: 12th Industrialists' Conference

• Indus





© Copyrights reserved 2009.
Gulf Organization for Industrial Consulting (GOIC), Doha, Qatar.